Hey all,
I am 5 days away from 18. Wow. That is such a crazy thing to write down. I want to make this a post series in which I will write a post every day until midnight on the day I turn 18.
What can I say as a nearly adult. This past year I have grown more than I have in a long time, I am learning more about who I am as a person and what I like and don't like. Also I have learnt more about what I am truly passionate about but more to come on that soon.
Something I learnt only recently is that I really dislike being alone, and it is more than the fact I am recently single, I just really hate being by myself. I always knew I was good at making friends, but saying goodbye to friends I don't know when I will see again really made me realise how important they are to me. I also caught up with a friend who went to uni abroad and our chance meeting (Hi Laura!) made me really miss her company that I was so used to having around before she left. My saving grace however is that I am actually very rarely by myself, I always have my baby kitten to cuddle and the best parents I could ask for, which are always there if I want to have a laugh and hang out - we really are the tightest of family units, friends as well as family. I always have the greatest friends in the world whose praises I can't sing high enough. I always have them at the end of the phone to call or text whenever I need a good laugh or a rant, it is the best thing to know that I am supported like that. I feel very lucky to have that network I know that some don't have.
So although I will soon be an adult, I am not a bird flying from the nest solo, I have the best support network I could ask for, so whatever happens I am not afraid, because, thankfully, I am never alone.
I hope that you all are not feeling alone, please understand if you are then reach out to someone and find some common ground with others. There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet and you will find someone with interests similar to you. If you would like me to write a post on friendships then leave me a comment on any of my social media or in the comments below.
See you all tomorrow,
Lots of Luv,
Amber xx♥