Sunday, 22 June 2014

My Life Re-invented

Hello everyone,

So a period of my life has ended, I have done all of my a-level exams and am now free to pursue...what ever I want to really. It is really strange to have all of this free time and my own will is my own controller, its freedom at the highest level. I really am happy now, and it's a feeling I hope will last for a long time.

After a stressful period, probably the most testing six months of my life, I feel somewhat unburdened now. Things that have sort to sadden me are now simple memories which will always have there mark but they are more bruises than open-gaping wounds. I am a more rounded person now, I have learnt many a lesson and am opening a new chapter of my life, where the pages are all blank, waiting to make their own history.

I am also on the brink of becoming an adult, well at least a young one, as I am not far from my eighteenth birthday, which is just another key moment awaiting me, I cannot wait, I am really excited to see what this new year brings for me.

I guess for me my new year starts on my birthday, so although I know 2014 started in January, this new era starts later than that for me.

I am going to be more pro-active on all of my blogs, twitter etc. I also hope to have a YouTube channel soon so I will let you know when that gets going.

For now, it's a book then bed,

Night all, hope you are all ok,


Amber xx♥