Monday, 23 June 2014

The real reason why time travel will never happen...

Hey all, 

I am a really big science-fiction nerd and I love the stories with time travel in them. But. I have realised one of the most obvious reasons why it has never been invented - or if it has then why no one uses it today. 

If you had the ability to time travel, most people given half the chance would go back in time and change something - now I know there are a few of you out there that fall into the "I have no regrets category" and that's awesome but I'm sure you did something cringy once that if you could take back you would. And that's the problem. 

Humanity wouldn't be it's beautifully flawed self if we didn't screw up sometimes or do something frankly laughable and cringe. We would never learn from our mistakes if we never made any. Even if you've been through the worst (eg break-ups, lost jobs, family fallouts etc.) you are stronger slightly scared after, than if you had never been through it at all. 

If you are wishing you never did that thing, you've got the wrong idea and I know it's hard but you've got to take whatever you can from it. If you've got a broken heart, at least for however long you had it, you had love. If you got fired at least you have work experience to take into your next job, which is more than most have. 

So if time travel had been invented I guess the person who did was smart enough to destroy it, and allow us all to make mistakes because we aren't perfect, yet that makes us perfectly human. 

Luv you guys,

Amber xx♥️

Sunday, 22 June 2014

My Life Re-invented

Hello everyone,

So a period of my life has ended, I have done all of my a-level exams and am now free to pursue...what ever I want to really. It is really strange to have all of this free time and my own will is my own controller, its freedom at the highest level. I really am happy now, and it's a feeling I hope will last for a long time.

After a stressful period, probably the most testing six months of my life, I feel somewhat unburdened now. Things that have sort to sadden me are now simple memories which will always have there mark but they are more bruises than open-gaping wounds. I am a more rounded person now, I have learnt many a lesson and am opening a new chapter of my life, where the pages are all blank, waiting to make their own history.

I am also on the brink of becoming an adult, well at least a young one, as I am not far from my eighteenth birthday, which is just another key moment awaiting me, I cannot wait, I am really excited to see what this new year brings for me.

I guess for me my new year starts on my birthday, so although I know 2014 started in January, this new era starts later than that for me.

I am going to be more pro-active on all of my blogs, twitter etc. I also hope to have a YouTube channel soon so I will let you know when that gets going.

For now, it's a book then bed,

Night all, hope you are all ok,


Amber xx♥

Thursday, 5 June 2014

I am not a girl, nearly a woman...

Dear World, ooh that felt strange.

Hi everyone, it is just over one month until I hit the dizzy heights of 18, jeez that's scary to type let alone say out loud.

I am currently revising with my music on way louder than it should be, and Britney came on, all my nostalgia for my younger years when I never would of pictured studying Chaucer for a final tomorrow, I was too busy being an adorable little kid watching Postman Pat, now I watch things like Game of Thrones and Made in Chelsea, worlds away from what once was.

This is only a short post as I am going to make some lunch, I think I am going to have soup and apparently this post is just me being random lol.

What will being 18 feel like? I have no idea, but I can't wait to find out.

I hope you are all well,

Luv Amber xx♥

Monday, 2 June 2014

The difference between strong people and being strong...

Hey all, 

Recently I've been battling with the idea of being strong and like most unperfectly natural humans I'm pretty rubbish at it.

I am an emotionally driven person and once I'm battling something sad it turns into more of a crusade than a small brawl. Some days I am totally ok, and the next day a chink can find it's way into my armour and I am weakened for the foreseeable few days. 

However, overall I believe I am a strong person. I am very clear in what I want and expect and do not settle for anything less. I am also good to be leant on by other people who are struggling in their lives and I often exercise my right to reply if anything less than favourable gets suggested for me.

I am just not very good at personal attacks on my character. 

I think this is a remnant from when I was bullied, but whenever someone I know says something that directly attacks my person, it sticks (on the internet less so, as I can separate the anonymous hate stirrer from the words they write) and I replay it and it hurts. It's even worse if everyone around me says stuff like "they didn't mean it" because too me at least, they did. I do get past it eventually but I can't say I have an "I don't give a shit" dial that I can just turn on whenever someone is hurtful, I simply have to talk myself out of it and having a best friend is extremely useful (Hi Lily!), as they always remind you that at the end of the day they are words and it just doesn't matter, they will make you cry laughing so that you can forget, at least for a while, about how it hurts.

So I think you can be a strong person and absolutely suck at being strong yourself because to me there is a difference. But what do you think? Leave me a comment below if you've got any thoughts. 

All the best and lots of luv,

Amber xx♥️