Sunday, 13 July 2014

2 Days Till Aduthood; A Post Series - Post Four: Quotes

Hey again,

I have a whiteboard at the end of my bed which hasn't been white for a while, because it contains my favourite quotes. I have also been collecting some on my Goodreads page where it is really easy to collect them and store them in a list. N.B. None of these are lyrics, I feel I should do a separate post for them.

Some of these are so inspirational, and are able to lift me from a bad mood, or brighten a sunny day.

I am going to post my top ten below, but in truth I have more than that and this could go on for ages, (if you want to see more search for me on Goodreads - Ambsg) so here is my top ten:
  1. "I don't care what you think about me, I don't think about you at all." - Coco Chanel
  2. "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe
  3. "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Bernard M. Baruch
  4. "You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on Earth." - William W. Purkey
  5. "I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." - Sarah Williams
  6. "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
  7. "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." - Robert Frost
  8. "Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself..." - C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
  9. "Creativity is intelligence having fun." - Albert Einstein
  10. "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough" - Mae West
Anyway I hope you enjoyed these,

All the best,
Amber xx♥

Saturday, 12 July 2014

3 Days Till Adulthood; A Post Series - Post Three: Amnesty International

Dear all,

In the first post of this series, I spoke of one of my passions which I said I would talk about later, that passion is for the law, specifically within the realms of human rights and the extension of that is my passion for the charity Amnesty International. Over the past two years I have been running my schools Amnesty International group, furthering that to my participation in the AI UK Youth Advisory Group for the past year.

I have always been a supporter of Amnesty's work, but it was only when a member of their organisation came and spoke to us at school, that I realised I wanted to help make a change in the world. In the past I think I mentioned of my desire to study law, and the fact that I love public speaking and that I am often very passionate about causes I believe in.

The combination of all of my passions has lead me to believe I am truly able to make a difference and help defend the human rights of the world's people, even if it is just by sending a letter or signing my name on a petition. The smallest things really are worth it when you hear you are able to lift the spirits of someone in pain, all the way to the time you hear that the international spotlight has saved a life and you were part of that.

My future hope is to carry on my work for Amnesty in as many ways that I can. I do hope that I can be of use to them as an organisation and continue to draw attention to human rights abuses that go often unnoticed around the world, and to be able to defend those who suffer unjustly, in the hope of them obtaining justice in the end.

I wish you all to find something you are passionate about, and that it guides you to become to be the person you wish to be.

All the best,

Amber xx♥

Amnesty International UK
Amnesty International

Friday, 11 July 2014

4 Days Till Adulthood; A Post Series - Post Two: Small Ways To Happiness

Hey all,

Ok it is getting closer. I can't believe how real it all is.

In today's post I wanted to share some personal stuff about me that makes me really happy. I was going to do it in a Q&A form but I prefer a stream of writing so here it is:
  1. I love hugs from my mum, especially before I go to bed. We are so close that it is just the best thing ever. I can't really say much else, but I love you mummy.
  2. I also love my best friend's accents. When she does them I do what is know as my MJ laugh as I make a "hehe" noise replicating the famous Michael Jackson noise. They are currently banned in public places as I end up sometimes, let's be honest - more often than not, crying in laughter.
  3. I love dancing and singing (along with the original track to help with my pitching) to some epic songs. Currently my two faves are; Ordinary People sung by Asher Brook from the 2012 version of Fame, I just love the lyrics and it is such a powerful song of just being an ordinary person in love with someone else and battling through the bad because the love for the other person is bigger than anything else. It is also sung by a guy which really helps with my low voice. In stark contrast, I also am a closet rapper and will quite happily sing all of the words to It Wasn't Me by Shaggy. I know, this song is about cheating which I abhor, but it's just so damn catchy and I love the song. (I think perhaps I am two different people) 
  4. It makes me very happy that I can put my hair in a ponytail without looking in a mirror, successfully, 95% of the time. I barely ever put it up because I prefer wearing it down, but should I be cleaning or blogging as I am now, it is a very useful skill.
  5. Finally, I love TV and film. I love romantic comedies. I cry when the couple reconciles after some big argument, I love that moment when they realise how much they love each other. However, I love really rubbish TV which is essentially white noise set to pictures. My heart does belong to shows like Game of Thrones, The Tudors, The White Queen, anything historical. I am gutted I don't have any current new series to watch so am currently re-watching The Tudors, it's just epic - she says reaching for Netflix ☺.
So that is a bit more about what makes me happy, if I can do it all in one day then that's pretty cool, otherwise doing one of them a day is enough to make me feel happy, along with seeing my cat's smiling happy face which is a constant.

Talking of my kitten, this is a recent Instagram of my cat when she was looking very cute, this is why she is my constant source of happiness:


Lots of luv,
Amber xx♥

Thursday, 10 July 2014

5 Days Till Adulthood; A Post Series - Post One: Support

Hey all,

I am 5 days away from 18. Wow.  That is such a crazy thing to write down. I want to make this a post series in which I will write a post every day until midnight on the day I turn 18.

What can I say as a nearly adult. This past year I have grown more than I have in a long time, I am learning more about who I am as a person and what I like and don't like. Also I have learnt more about what I am truly passionate about but more to come on that soon.

Something I learnt only recently is that I really dislike being alone, and it is more than the fact I am recently single, I just really hate being by myself. I always knew I was good at making friends, but saying goodbye to friends I don't know when I will see again really made me realise how important they are to me. I also caught up with a friend who went to uni abroad and our chance meeting (Hi Laura!) made me really miss her company that I was so used to having around before she left. My saving grace however is that I am actually very rarely by myself, I always have my baby kitten to cuddle and the best parents I could ask for, which are always there if  I want to have a laugh and hang out - we really are the tightest of family units, friends as well as family. I always have the greatest friends in the world whose praises I can't sing high enough. I always have them at the end of the phone to call or text whenever I need a good laugh or a rant, it is the best thing to know that I am supported like that. I feel very lucky to have that network I know that some don't have.

So although I will soon be an adult, I am not a bird flying from the nest solo, I have the best support network I could ask for, so whatever happens I am not afraid, because, thankfully, I am never alone.

I hope that you all are not feeling alone, please understand if you are then reach out to someone and find some common ground with others. There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet and you will find someone with interests similar to you. If you would like me to write a post on friendships then leave me a comment on any of my social media or in the comments below.

See you all tomorrow,

Lots of Luv,

Amber xx♥