Throughout my life, like many of yours I am sure, I have been faced with confrontation and dealt with it in a variety of terrible ways. But more recently, aided I think by my desire to be a barrister, I crafted my very own art of arguing, which to this day, works.
A disclaimer before I start; confrontation comes in many forms. Sometimes someone will confront you with hurtful words and it will cause anger and tears, for moments that really break your heart, this method didn't even work for me. However in moments of arguement, when someone is just down right out of line; this method is kind of perfect.
So basically people who are down-right wrong and lying, know full well they are, and they'll love to try to convince you they're not. But be firm and stick your ground, don't let anyone bully they're ideas past you just because they rock the foundations.
Next, don't show anger. They'll love to know they got under your skin and will manipulate the situation from then. My best friend summed this up the best; "Lower your voice, strengthen your argument". Not only will it irritate the other person that you are not biting the carrot they are dangling in front of you but also it allows you to remain calm and focused, while they rage on.
If all else fails, let them rant and don't say a single word. Eventually they'll realise that you haven't been talking and aren't fighting back and think they've won. Hopefully that will allow a momentary silence for you to step in. At this point you can let them know you've heard all the rediculous s*#% they managed to string together AND now it's your turn.
Hopefully if you haven't tuned completely out of their rant, you will of picked up a few key points that you can calmly retort (sorry debating changes you), and with a few quick quips their argument is destroyed and they have to eat their words.
Now like the disclaimer I said above, sometimes this may not be 100% effective, but I find it keeps me calmer in situations usually driven out of control. The key here is to stay calm, keep your tone firm and be unwavering but not unopen to the idea the whole thing may end without resolution.
I hope this can help you guys in the future,
[UPDATE] should be posting more regularly but I want to write based on how I feel and about subjects that feel right to me, so I can't promise a particular schedule.
Amber xx♥️