Thursday, 18 July 2013

I'm not changing, I'm just ageing...

Hey everyone,

So I recently turned a year older and have since been quite reflective about myself as I head out of being a teenager and ever closer to being an adult. 

While at Warwick I celebrated my birthday and a day later a new friend said to me as we parted ways, "Amber, never change who you are", to which I turned and remarked that if I have made it to the giddy age of 17 without changing then perhaps I will always stay the same. 

This thought then started a further chain of revelations about myself. I was bullied for a really long time for what can only be because I was a strong, confident and smart female, too young and unable to stand up for myself. However if I think about it, I haven't really changed my personality at all, thanks to a lot of help from my friends and my lovely parents; and although for a long time I was really down and affected by everything, I now have more metal to deal with the bad stuff and am even happier when the good stuff comes along.

So I am older, a bit more logical, and have a bit more metal, yet I am not a robot and the bad still hurts just the same  - it's now just a bit more manageable than it was before. 

I am still a nerdy, geeky, fashion crazy, ambitious, logical, lacking perfection girl with a strange sense of humour and random selection of general knowledge. I am also a loving daughter, cousin and friend, while moonlighting as a poet when life is quiet. 

But no matter what I do or where I go, I am me and no-one else. 

I hope you guys find inner strength from this, so you can be you forever.

All the best,

Amber xx