Sunday, 27 November 2011

Immortality of the Soul.

Readers, Friends,

Yesterday at 9.15am I lost my great-grandad John Henderson. He was 95. He had lived through the end of one and fought in the second World War. He was the strongest, kindest, cheekiest and loving man I have ever met. Me and my mum were by his side when he took his last breath. He held on to life until the very end. He was at peace and comfortable. I am honoured to of had him in my life. It's only when you watch life end that you really understand what life is and how wonderful it is.

The strangest thing is the advice people give you when you loose someone is similar to when you have a broken heart. It's mainly be strong and eat chocolate. Both are very good pieces of advice. However people tend to want to give you space but for me that's the last thing I want. If I sit on my own in the quiet all I will do is cry. It may sound ridiculous but when I am on my own and sad I am my own worst enemy. So all I have done is rally the girls around me and distracted myself. I will never be able to forget him but he would not want me to be beside myself and crying 24/7. School is a massive help. 6 hours a day when I don't have any extra headspace. Perfect. It never gets easier to get over loosing someone, the days just become easier to deal with. One at a time.

I hope this reaches out to anyone who has lost anyone. I wish you all the best.


Amber x

Grandad - RIP ♥