Wednesday, 23 December 2015

2015 Annual Happiness Tips Reviewed

Hello all,

So this is the post where I look back on my annual happiness tips 2015 and see how I feel about them as we speed into 2016 - can you believe how fast this year has gone!

So let's look back to the first of January when I suggested to myself to:
  1. Be healthy but don't make myself crazy with worrying or feeling guilty when I am simply enjoying my life!
  2. Be happy for what I have in life and remember that everyday (but at the same time it is ok to be sad every now and again - just not more often than I am happy). 
  3. Be more creative more often; blog, do more photography, spend more time colouring and do more Lego building! 
  4. Do something amazing every month; from seeing friends to travelling or just having an excellent experience at home with my family  
And how did they go; well it's been up and down on all fronts really; apart from doing something amazing every month as I think I will write my last post on that - a retrospective look on the year, if you like.

I do feel much happier generally about things; and as I have gone on this year I have felt myself shedding the fear a bit. So I have at least made a start on this one.

I also have worked out that I can go to the gym three times a week and not break. I will therefore endeavour to do that every week next year and hopefully my health improvement will happen in 2016 too. I already felt that the commitment to it is making me more motivated in general.

Creativity has been explored but not really fulfilled this year. This is certainly something I want to work on more next year. I have some more public speaking that I want to do and then hopefully creativity will grow from there.

And other things for next year; well I think I am just going to work on me in whatever order I need at that given moment. And so far my best achievements have been when I have had no plan at all so maybe I need to stick to that more! 

I hope with whatever plans you make for 2016, you make sure to look after you! 

Amber xx

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Closing this chapter...

Hey there, how are you?

Dramatic title Amber - I hear you. And I am not leaving this blog forever - be sure of that.

This blog was my Carrie Bradshaw moment, and I have discussed most things on here and laid my soul out. And I owe it a lot more than you know.

But I am not heartbroken any more. I am a single girl heading out into a new year with literally the world in front of me.

I am really looking forward to 2016. I have a good feeling about it.

So what am I going to do on this blog if I am closing this chapter for now:

  • My series about heartbreak is done. I was going to write about the big moments but I can't really offer more than I said in my past three posts; surround yourself with friends, let it out but don't let it ruin you and eventually, when the time is right for you, it will stop hurting. You can't force yourself out of it if you aren't there yet but you will be. 
  • Will you stop writing about love and life? No. I never promised you a schedule on this blog and I think I have lived up to that. This blog was always me talking to the universe and when I need it; it will be here. I will write when the moment is right. 
  • So is this the end. No. Not even slightly. My voice has changed as I have grown that is all. I will write my update on my Annual Happiness Tips and another post before the year is out - taking it to 50 posts on this blog. I will also check back in every so often. Also trust that whatever I work on for next year I will keep you guys updated. 

If you do need me - I will be here.

Love for now, have a safe and happy holidays,

Amber xx